Banner Adverts on TreaHub

Our Audience

The details below show the characteristics of site visitors on Treahub.

  •  Age: Visitors to Treahub website are between the ages of 25 and 55.
  •  Education: Visitors to Treahub website are largely graduates.
  •  Income: Visitors to Treahub website are largely well to do and able to rent/buy property and thus have high purchasing power.

Targeting Visitor Types

We have segmented our site into the  “Shortlets”, “For Sale” and “For Rent” sections. This gives advertisers more flexibility in targeting particular visitor types with their adverts. For example, an advertiser may want to target visitors who are looking for property for sale because they typically have higher purchasing potentials compared to visitors searching for property for rent.

Ad Sizes

The details below show the characteristics of site visitors on Treahub website.

  •  750px by 120px – Desktop (Computer)
  •  300px by 250px – Mobile

The Ad Location

Banner adverts are shown in the sidebar of property list pages (e.g. property for sale) between two property listings. The adverts are shown alongside other banner adverts.

The Cost

  •  1 Month – ₦50,000
  •  3 Months – ₦130,000 
  •  6 Months – ₦260,000 

How To Pay

Pay by Bank Transfer or Cash Deposit

All bank transfers, cash and cheque payments should be made to: 

Account Name: Treahub Services
Account Number: 0000000000
Bank:Sterling Bank 

— OR — 

Account Name: Treahub Services
Account Number: 0000000000
Bank: Wema Bank

Have any questions? Email us at

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